Asistansia d.o.o. Sarajevo is a company exclusively engaged in the procurement, installation, distribution and servicing of devices and equipment for blind and visually impaired persons and education of persons for its use, and since the beginning of its work, everything is done so that the blind and visually impaired persons would have at their disposal aids that would facilitate them everyday life, therefore, with special pleasure, we announce the cooperation of Wellion with this company. We have donated first Wellion Calla Dialog glucometer, unique in our market, with voice function in the local language.
Asistansia employs people who are blind or visually impaired themselves, therefore they can best understand the needs of the target group. They also know very well the possibilities and perspectives offered by the blind to the development of technology, so the agreement was reached that Wellion material will be adapted for reading on the Braille script.
We hope this is just the beginning of a nice cooperation for mutual satisfaction.